STUDENT Outreach Service

The Student Outreach Service

The Student Outreach Service provides a specialised program, which is designed to support primary school students at risk of disengaging from mainstream schooling.
The students referred to the Student Outreach Service may exhibit a range of behavioural issues including truancy, disruptive behaviour, violence, verbal aggression, withdrawal, defiance and possible Neuro-diverse needs.
Our outreach staff can assist Classroom Teachers, ES staff, School Admin, parents/guardians by providing strategies and intervention methods to help create positive outcomes, engagement opportunities and behavioural management for students in the context of the school environment.
Outreach staff can support mainstream primary schools, staff members, families /carers and allied health agencies through the provision of a range of support options designed to increase positive participation of students within the school environment.
Teachers can gain access to personalised learning plans and behavioural support plans which can assist with developing a broader range of strategies to support students with behavioural and learning concerns

Our Service​

The Student Outreach Service accepts referrals from government primary schools within the South Eastern Region. Students may be referred to the service at any time, applications are considered on a case-by-case basis by the Management team.
Referrals need to be completed in full by the base school (Principal, AP, Well Being coordinator) and where possible endorsed by the SSSO officer attached to the school.
Students accepted into the service are generally visited in their school, a minimum of twice per week, for typically one or two terms. During the visits the outreach worker supports in the classroom, directly with the student in an attempt to recognise the triggers for the student’s behavioural issues and better understand their learning needs. With this information, outreach workers implement strategies to support positive engagement and behavioural change within the classroom.
The school supports with the development of personalised learning plans and behavioural support plans. Outreach workers also assist teachers to build confidence and skills to work with assist teaching challenging students.
After the conclusion of the program, outreach workers will continue to monitor the student’s progress for up to 12 months.


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